Thursday, June 25, 2015

"Ajna" aka The Third Eye Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches)

Price: $85: in the U.S. $95: out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

The 3rd eye chakra transcends time & is located at the brow, above the base of the nose. The gift of this chakra is seeing both the inner & outter worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation & self reflection. Through the gift of seeing we can internalize the outter world. & With symbolic language we can externalize the inner worlds. The energy of this chakra allows us to access our inner guidance that comes from the depths of our being. It allows us to cut through illusion & to access deeper truths to see beyond the mind & beyond the worlds. The third eye sees everything as it is from a point of "witness" or "observer", or from simply being mindful moment by moment. Examines self limiting ideas & developing wisdom that comes from a perspective that transcends the duality of good or bad, black or white. Means seeing & helping others to see the deeper meanings to situations in their lives. When activated both sides of the brain function in harmony. 

"Visuddha" aka The Throat Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches) 

Price: $85 in the U.S. & $95 out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

The throat chakra is the first of the higher or spiritual chakras on the "chakra ladder". It's located in the neck region. The gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, & speaking your truth. The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitations of time & space, beyond cultural & family conditioning. The main challenge of this chakra is doubt & negative thinking. When you gain & verify your knowledge through meditation & direct experience, then doubt & negativity are removed. The throat chakra is the chakra of inspired creativity, seeking, & sharing of the truth. Stand up for what you believe in, say no when you need to, & be open & honest in what you say. It's directly connected to your personal integrity & sense of honor. This chakra allows you to express who you are & what you stand for. It also allows you to listen deeply to another person.

"Anahata" aka The Heart Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches)

Price: $85 in the U.S. & $95 out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

The heart chakra is the "wellspring" of love, warmth, compassion, & joy. It's located at your heart centre. It's also the centre of your deep emotional bonds with other beings, your sense of caring, & compassion, your feelings of self love, altruism, generosity, & respect. It's the unifying & healing chakra because love is the ultimate healing force. The energy of this chakra allows us to recognize & get in touch with the sacred & fundamental truth that runs through all life & connects everything together. This chakra allows you to live through your heart which inspires kindness & compassion in others. When this chakra is open you can give & receive love easily. When blocked it's hard for you to be openly loving in relationships & makes you think you don't deserve love. To be open to love is to reach to the deepest part of your soul. 

"Manipura" aka The Solar Plexus Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches) 

Price: $85 in the U.S. & $95 out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

The solar plexus is all about who you are. It's located between the upper stomach & the naval. The gift of this chakra is sensing your personal power, being confident, being responsible, will power, as well as the warmth in your personality. This chakra allows you to meet challenges & move forward in your life. The challenge of this chakra is to use your personal power in a balanced manner. Be proactive rather than reactive or inactive. If there's excessive energy in this chakra the person will be prone to emotional outbursts & will be stressed out. A blocked solar plexus will make a person passive & inactive. A balanced solar plexus give you the ability to move forward with confidence & power. Self love, self acceptance, & acknowledgement of your own self worth removes blockages from this chakra. 

"Swadhisthana" aka The Sacral Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches)

Price: $85 in the U.S. & $95 out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

This is the chakra of passion & pleasure. It's located in the pelvic area. It allows you to experience life through feelings, emotions, sensuality, intimacy, & connections. It also allows you to let go, move, feel change, & transformation occurring within your body. The challenge of this chakra is the conditioning of our society. It is frowned upon to express our emotions & passion. We're taught not to lose control so we become disconnected from our bodies & feelings as a result. Society creates struggles with sexuality. They magnify/glorify it but also reject it which creates blockages or excessive use of the sacral chakra. This chakra is also the chakra of creativity & where your fertility originates. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

"Muladhara" aka The Root Chakra

(Acrylic paint on stretched canvas, 16x20 inches)

Price: $85 in the U.S. & $95 out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

The root chakra deals with the instinctual need for survival. It is found at the root of your spine. Safety, survival, grounding, family, boundaries, & new beginnings are all associated with the root chakra. Family wounds & tribal beliefs are also stored here. Inheritance of tribal programming of 1st & 2nd generation immigrants to the U.S. is prevalent here. You can change your life by looking at blockages caused by beliefs tied to family loyalty/expectations that aren't serving your highest good. By healing this chakra you can facilitate healing in all other chakras. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

"Our Father, Who Art in Heaven"

(acrylic paint/watercolors on stretched canvas, 18x24 inches)


Price: $180: in the U.S. & $200: out of the U.S. (to purchase, email me at & I will give you further details)

When you think of God, what do you see? An old white man with a beard? An old black man with a beard? Is he human? An animal? Is God really a "he"? Every single person on this planet has their very own perspective on God (which is everyone's right!). When I think of God, I think of someone that is All-knowing & sees everything! I see God as someone that lights up the world & lights up my life. Because of the prayer "Our Father" (named this painting after it) I see God as a man with a beard. But instead of him being white or black...I see him as a man mixed with all the races of the world.